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los detalles de su reserva
Mobil Home TITANIA 2007
Mobil Home TITANIA 2007
4 Pers. incluido / 4 Pers. máx.
, 48000 MENDE
Llegada : 10/05/2025

Salida : 17/05/2025
resumen de importes : 375,00 €
  • Importe de la estancia350,00 €
  • Gastos de reserva25,00 €
  • Options0,00 €
  • Paquetes de ofertas0,00 €
  • Seguro de cancelación0,00 €
  • Importe total375,00 €
  • Depósito130,00 €
  • Balance245,00 €
introduzca sus opciones
Opciones adicionales
Precios unitarios
Vehículo extra
24,50 €
Condiciones generales de venta
Leer las condiciones generales de venta

1° Any hiring is personal and cannot, in any case, be yielded.

2° ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE The rentals are rented only from Saturday to Saturday. Your arrival is expected from Satuday after 3 a.m. and your departure on Saturday before 10 p.m.
The departures of the mobilhome is only possible after inventory as from 8 up to 10 p.m.

3° PETS : Not allowed.

4° BOOKING : The booking becomes effective only with our agreement of the hiring contract and reception of the payment of an installment fixed at 30 % of the total amount of the hiring + 25 € of reservation costs. All payment not accompanied by the contract completed and signed is considered unvalid.
Once the direction agrees you will will receive a copy of the contract by mail plus the confirmation of your renting, please present this confirmation at the reception at your arrival.

5° NON OCCUPATION: In the absence of telegraphed message of the tenant specifying that it had to differ the date of its arrival, the mobil home becomes available 24 H after the date of arrival mentioned on the renting contract and the total amount of the rent is due.

6° CANCELL: In the event of anulment we keep the Installment and booking costs.
You have the possibility to mention a cancel assurance (l'assurance annulation) on your booking contract.

7° PAYMENT : The resting amount has to be paid at least 30 days before the date of arrival (bank-check, credit card or by our online bookingsystem). No reduction will be authorized in the case of delayed arrival or anitcipated departure.

8° FURNITURE : The mobilhomes are rented in a clean and fonctionning condition. The fridge should be unplugged the day before your departure. Damage to any object or furniture will be deducted of your caution.

A washing machine in the sanitations of the camp-site is at your disposal. The tokens are taken at the reception.

10° 2 DEPOSITS :
At your arrival a deposit (caution) of 200 € per mobil home will be asked. This deposit (cheque or cash) will be restored the day of your departure, after deduction of possible expenses of repairing or the value of any missing or deteriorated objects.
A extra cleaning deposit of 75 € will be asked as well , to guarantee the mobil home to be in DIRECT order of RENTING the day of the departure.
So cleaned : floors wiped, gaz and burners clean, microwaven bathroom, coffee machine and fridge clean, freezer defrozen and clean.
The handing-over of the keys in between 8 and 10 a.m., will happen once the inventory has been made together on rendez-vous with the reception

Any tenant is held to respect the provisions of the house rules of Camp-site TIVOLI. The Courts of MENDE is only qualified in the event of litigation.


1° any renting is personal and cannot, in any case, yielded for one minimum duration 7 days.

2° PETS :
The dogs are accepted under the permanent monitoring of their master and held on the leash, under penalty of immediate expulsion of the camp-site.

open in June, July and August
A bathing suit is obligatory. Shorts and bermuda shorts are formally prohibit under penalty of immediate expulsion of the swimming pool.
Shoes must be left outside. A rack is envisaged at the entry of the swimming pool.

4° PLAYROOM open in July and August from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

A reservation becomes effective only with our agreement and after recept of the payment of a 30 % deposit of the total amount of the stay + 25 € reservation-costs.
Any payment not accompanied by the contract filled and signed will not be accepted. After acceptance, a copy will be sent to the rentor by mail.

In the absence of telegraphed message of the tenant specifying that it had to differ the date of its arrival, the site becomes available 24 H after the date of arrival mentioned on the renting contract and the integral payment of the rent remains required.

In the event of anulment we keep the Installment and booking costs.
You have the possibility to mention a cancel assurance (l'assurance annulation) on your booking contract.

The amount of the stay is completely payable at the day of the arrival. No reduction will be authorized in the case of delayed arrival or anticipated departure.

The reception of the camp-site is opened from 8 to 12 H and from 14 to 20 hours. Beyond these schedules, the access to your site of the campsite is deferred to the following day under the same conditions.

A washing-machine in the sanitation of the camp-site is at your disposal. The tokens are taken at the reception.

All tenants are held to respect the conditions of the house rules of camp-site TIVOLI. The Court of MENDE is only qualified in the event of litigation.