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Camping Ecologique LA ROCHE D'ULLY
los detalles de su reserva
Cottage Mahaut Prestige - 32m² - 2 chambres, salle d'eau XXL, Raffinement et modernité
Cottage Mahaut Prestige - 32m² - 2 chambres, salle d'eau XXL, Raffinement et modernité
4 Pers. incluido / 4 Pers. máx.
5 Allée de la Tour de Peilz, 25290 ORNANS
Llegada : 05/04/2025

Salida : 12/04/2025
resumen de importes : 482,00 €
  • Importe de la estancia467,00 €
  • Gastos de reserva15,00 €
  • Options0,00 €
  • Paquetes de ofertas0,00 €
  • Seguro de cancelación0,00 €
  • Importe total482,00 €
  • Depósito482,00 €
  • Balance0,00 €
introduzca sus opciones
Opciones adicionales
Precios unitarios
Animal vacunado (con correa)
23,10 €
Desayuno / pers
70,00 €
Kit bebé (cuna, silla)
35,00 €
Limpieza final del alojamiento
100,00 €
Condiciones generales de venta
Leer las condiciones generales de venta
Camping la Roche d'Ully ****
SAS Ully Parc RCS 89169588400017 APE 5530Z-
TVA intracommunautaire FR33891695884, contact@larochedully,com
tél :

Article 1 - Sales Terms and Conditions
The present sales terms and conditions rule all the stays sold on the website www.camping-ornans,com .They are included in the contract binding the establishment and the customers.
The client agrees to acknowledge these terms and conditions prior to any booking request for a stay concerning himself and any other person enjoying the stay.

According to the law in force, the present terms and conditions are available for the client for information only and prior to any contract for holiday purchase. The terms and conditions are available on written request to the establishment office.
Article 2 - Booking conditions
2.1 Price and payment
All prices are given in Euros, including VAT. The client's attention is drawn to the fact that the tourist tax is not included in the price.
Camping pitches booking requests: Pitches booking requests are nominative and nontransferable. The lease is only effective after the establishment agreed and has received the deposit and the administration fees.
Rented accommodations booking requests: Rented accommodations booking requests are nominative and nontransferable. The lease is only effective after the establishment agreed and has received the deposit and the administration fees.
Should you have any delay on the day of arrival and don't warn the establishment, the accommodation will be available 12 hours after the arrival date mentioned on the lease. After this time limit and without written message, the booking will be cancelled and the deposit will remain acquired for the establishment.
2.2 Changing your booking request
No discount will be granted for late arrivals and/or early departures.
2.3 Cancellations
According to the general sales terms and conditions, any booking with unpaid balance will be cancelled. 100 % of the deposit will be paid back for any cancellation received at least 60 days before the date of arrival. The totality of the stay will be invoiced if cancellation would be carried out with less than two weeks previous the stay.
2.4 Withdrawals
The legal dispositions related to withdrawals on on-line sales do not apply to tourist services (article L.121-20-4 from the French Code de la consommation).COMPULSORY IN FRANCE – SEE HOW IT WORKS ABROAD
For any on-line booking, customers will have no right of withdrawal.
2.5 Cancellation Insurance
We advise you to subscribe cancellation insurance. This contract offers you cancellation insurance enabling you have the paid sum back if you cancel your stay or leave earlier under certain events and circumstances (illness, accident, etc.).
Epidemics are among the exclusion clauses of cancellation insurance, in case of administrative closure of the calping a credit of 18 months will be granted to you.
Insurance prices:
Camping pitches: 3,5% of the total amount of the stayRented accommodations: 3,5% of the total amount of the stay

Article 3 - During your stay

3.1 Arrivals and departures

In rented camping pitches, arrivals from 2 p.m. and departures before 12 a.m. In rented accomodation arrivals from 3 p.m. and departures before 10 a.m.. Free day of arrival.

3.2 Guarantee

A € 500 guarantee will be deposit on your arrival. It will be given back on your departure during the reception opening hours and after inventory of fixtures. Any damage will be invoiced and added to the price of the stay as well as the cleaning fees if the accommodation is not perfectly clean when you leave. If you cannot attend the inventory of fixtures, your guarantee will be sent back by post.

3.3 Departures

Any delay for giving back the key and leaving the pitch after 12 a.m. will be invoiced one extra night. Should your stay be extended, you must warn the establishment at least 24 hours before the departure date set previously.

3.4 Animals

Animals are allowed inside the accommodations under certain conditions (keep on lead, cleanliness...)

3.5 Policies and procedures

In accordance with the law in force, the client agrees to subscribe to the Policies and procedures, listed in the Préfecture, available at the reception desk, it will be given on demand.

Article 4 - Liability

The establishment is not liable for any damages on the holiday-maker's equipment. Holiday-makers must have subscribed civil liability insurance for their equipment (FFCC, ANWB, ADAC, etc.).

Article 5 - Applicable Law

These general conditions are subject to French law and all disputes concerning their application falls under the jurisdiction of the High Court or Tribunal de Commerce de Besançon.