Reservo mi camping online

Reserva 100% segura, confirmación inmediata!

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Camping L'Enclave
los detalles de su reserva
Mobil-home Rhododendron 32m² - arrivée samedi,
Mobil-home Rhododendron 32m² - arrivée samedi,
6 Pers. incluido / 6 Pers. máx.
2 RUE DES VINYALS, 66800 Estavar
Llegada : 15/03/2025

Salida : 22/03/2025
resumen de importes : 675,00 €
  • Importe de la estancia660,00 €
  • Gastos de reserva15,00 €
  • Options0,00 €
  • Paquetes de ofertas0,00 €
  • Seguro de cancelación0,00 €
  • Importe total675,00 €
  • Depósito213,00 €
  • Balance462,00 €
introduzca sus opciones
Opciones adicionales
Precios unitarios
Animal doméstico
21,00 €
Alquiler de par de sábanas
11,00 €
Kit bebé (cuna, silla)
25,00 €
Limpieza final del alojamiento
80,00 €
Condiciones generales de venta
Leer las condiciones generales de venta
66 800 Estavar - France
Phone : +33 (0)4 68 04 72 27 Mobil :+33 (0)6 80 76 73 78 Fax : +33 (0)4 68 04 07 15
Camp-site booking form
You may first have confirmation from the camp-site l'enclave of availability of the rent by phone, fax or email.
Then fill-in next form, print it and sign it.
Send it by post mail with the amount of booking

Booking form beetween Camping l'Enclave, 66800 Estavar
and Mrs Miss Mr.
Postal code City Country
Phone Email

Booking of one site during the period
Please mark the date in french format : day / month / year
from / /2012 (after 1h p.m) to / /2012 (before 11h a.m).

Services wished : Standard package Comfort Large Comfort

Camp-site area for : (please mark the number in the boxes)
Adult(s) Child(ren) beetween 7 and 11 years Child(ren) less than 7 ans Pet(s)

Electricity : No electricity or 3 A 6 A 10 Amperes

I, the undersigned, Mrs Miss Mr. accept and sign the booking conditions.
I send this booking form acompanied of the amount of 110 Euros including 100 of deposit and 10 of expenses by postal order to the Camping l'Enclave. (take care that expenses aren't paid back or taken away from your stay amount).
The camp-site l'Enclave will return you a confirmation of booking after reception of this form duly filled and signed accompanied by the payment corresponding to your booking. Take care of this confirmation that you'll have to present at your arrival.
The deposit maintains the validity of your reservation 1 day in the event of delayed arrival, but could not be refunded in the event of cancellation.

Bon pour accord (order agreement) Date Signature

Booking Rent Form
You may first have confirmation from the camp-site l'enclave of availability of the rent by phone, fax or email. Then fill-in next form, print it and sign it.
Send it by post mail with the amount of booking

Booking form beetween Camping l'Enclave, 66800 Estavar :

and Mrs Miss Mr.
Postal code City Country
Phone Email

who accept , after having reads the general conditions of rents on the camp-site,
to book the rent: (please mark the rent you choosed)
MOBILE HOME 16 m² / 2 people / 1 room
MOBILE HOME 24 m² / 4 people / 2 rooms.
MOBILE HOME 26 m² / 4 people / 2 rooms.
MOBILE HOME 28 m² / 4 people / 2 rooms.
MOBILE HOME 30 m² / 6 people / 3 rooms.
MOBILE HOME 32 m² / 6 people / 3 rooms.

(please mark the month in letters after days)
My rent begins on saturday / /2012 after 1h p.m
to saturday / /2012 before 10h a.m.

My booking amount : 30% of total stay amount + 10 expenses (take care that expenses aren't paid back or taken away from your stay amount). Calculate booking amount ?

Make a bank transfer :
La Banque Postale
IBAN FR17 2004 1010 0902 3742 5S03 066 BIC : PSSTFRPPMON
Name : SARL Camping L'Enclave

Note : an amount of 38,99 will be paid from the 5th people per people and per week in the rents 24m², 26m² and 28m², and from the 7th people in the rents 30m² and 32m².
A tourist tax of 0,25 per people from 13 years and per day have to be paid all the year.

Mrs Miss Mr. commit himself (herself) to sold out the total amount of the stay at his (her) arrival on the spot.
The camp-site l'Enclave will return you a confirmation of booking after reception of this form duly filled and signed accompanied by the payment corresponding to your booking. Take care of this confirmation that you'll have to present at your arrival.
The deposit maintains the validity of your reservation 1 day in the event of delayed arrival, but could not be refunded in the event of cancellation.

Signature of the customer preceded by the mention Lu et approuvé ( read and approved )